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│▒│ /▒/ Thank you all!!! .◘. <3
│▒│/▒/ Really Amazingg!!
│▒ /▒/─┬─┐ -----------
│▒│▒|▒│▒│Peace &
┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ Lovee <33
│▒┌──┘▒▒▒│ --------
└┐▒▒▒▒▒▒┌┘ -----
 └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘ xoxox
IL My Shoes xD From OurWorldx
IL My Shoes xD From OurWorldx
Pants xD - By OurWorldx <33
Pants xD - By OurWorldx <33
U.G.G xD - From OurWorldx <3
U.G.G xD - From OurWorldx <3
Max - My Dog From OurWorldx <33
Max - My Dog From OurWorldx <33
A Bone For Maxxyy <33
A Bone For Maxxyy <33
Cat Toilet For Kitty - From OurWorldx
Cat Toilet For Kitty - From OurWorldx
For Kitty - From OurWorldx <33
For Kitty - From OurWorldx <33
Shampoo for Kitty and Max - From OurWorldx
Shampoo for Kitty and Max - From OurWorldx
Food For Kitty - From OurWorldx
Food For Kitty - From OurWorldx
A Leash For Maxxyy - From OurWorldx
A Leash For Maxxyy - From OurWorldx
Food For Max - From OurWorldx
Food For Max - From OurWorldx
Converse - From OurWorldx
Converse - From OurWorldx

Comments • 6

BlackAndWhiteLife 13 January 2011  
xBarbieSenzation 6 January 2011  
Love em' x
MissVanne 4 January 2011  
..<33 (: You're sweet.<33
xMileyCyrusOnlinexD 2 January 2011  
WooW`xD @Sweet :X :X :X <3
xChocoCakexD 30 December 2010  
LOL><.. xDDD Bakerr`
DressLikeVips 30 December 2010  
Haha <33 xD
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